Additions to Capital Assets


All additions to capital assets should be properly authorized

Capital assets include property, plant and equipment assets having an estimated useful life of at least two (2) years following the acquisition date

Capital assets should be reported at historical cost. The cost of a capital asset should include capitalized interest and ancillary charges necessary to place the asset into its intended location and condition for use

Items with useful lives less than two (2) years or of small monetary value (less than $5,000 per unit cost) are reported as an expense or expenditure in the period in which they are acquired

Control over non-capitalized capital-type items is maintained by adequate control procedures at the department level


Property, plant, and equipment are generally categorized by the following broad asset types:

Asset TypeEstimated Useful Life
Capital LeasesLease Term
Mains and Extensions10-65 years
Buildings10-15 years
Autos and Equipment3-10 years
Furniture and Equipment3-10 years

Accounting Department

  • Record additions of capital assets in the detailed fixed asset sub-ledger
  • Reconcile the detailed fixed asset sub-ledger to the general ledger.
  • Investigate and resolve differences found in the reconciliation.

Procedure Coordinator: Director of Finance