Lost Your Pet?

Your lost pet may be at the City of Lake Worth Animal Shelter.

Click here for cats at our shelter. Click here for dogs at our shelter.

For more information call (817) 238-8738 or e-mail.

Your animal could also be at one of the surrounding area animal shelters.

The following are further tips to help you find your lost pet:

Rule 1: Stay Calm

When a pet becomes lost or separated from his/her family, it can be a traumatic experience for both the family and the pet. STAY CALM! If you see your pet, bend down into a squatting position and call him. He is more likely to come to you in this position.

Rule 2: Start at the Animal Shelters

Someone may see your pet and report it to the Animal Control Department. Pets are held for three full days once they are impounded. Plan on coming to the shelter about every other day. For more information call the Lake Worth Animal Control on (817) 238-8738.

The shelter receives several animals every day and it can be hard to remember every one. Your description of your pet may not be the same as the lost pet section of the shelter, so it is important that you look through the shelter. Dogs and cats don't think twice about crossing from one city to another. Most dogs can run at a steady pace of about 10-15 miles per hour, so it won’t take long for a dog to go a long distance. Keep checking each animal shelter every other day. Don’t give up easily.

Rule 3: Contact Your Neighbors

Go door to door and let your neighbor know that your pet is lost and you are looking for him/her. Don’t forget the children. Children are out in the neighborhood more than adults, so they can be very helpful.

Contact the newspaper – Place a lost pet ad. If you offer a reward, do not advertise the amount. Remember that the ad will not appear until the next day.

Widen your search – Some other people to notify include your mail carrier, neighborhood watch captain, school crossing guard, neighborhood police officer, and paper carrier.

Post a notice – Your poster should include a picture of the pet and description including color and size. If you have a purebred pet and no photo, look at the library for a picture of a similar pet. Place posters in neighborhood gathering places such as: grocery stores, laundry mats, veterinary offices, libraries, and schools.  But Remember Get Permission First!

Was your pet wearing its city license tag? – Every day pets find their way home because their owners attached license tags to their collars, and this required in the City of Lake Worth.