First Amendment Autitors

Presented by TMLIRP
Event Date: 
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

FREE Course

Provided by the TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool. To learn more or sign up, please click HERE.


City of Lake Worth Public Works Building, 4200 Fewell Drive, Lake Worth TX 76135

First Amendment Auditors will prepare city employess how to communicate, de-escalate, and properly interact with activists wishing to get an extreme response to their presence and video recording of public entity personnel and assets. Participants will view examples of proper and improper responses to persons recording public entities. Policy and procedure examples will be reviewed and there will be an in-depth discussion of how society has arrived at this point, where everyone with an agenda and a camera can call themselves a journalist.


Any law enforcement officer. The program is important for chiefs, decison making personnel, policy makers, managers, law enforcement executives, supervisors, training officers, line officers, risk managers, public safety communicators, and elected officials who want to gain a better understanding of high-risk issues affecting law enforcement. City managers are encouraged to attend.

Notes: TCOLE credits available. Lunch is the responsibility of the students.


  • Understand what rights are guaranteed by the First Amendment
  • Identify types of individuals who consider themselves first amendment auditors
  • Recognize proper and improper responses to first amendment auditors
  • Will be made familiar with recent events which have propelled first amendment auditors to high levels of public exposure

Join us for a session to prepare city employees how to communicate, de-escalate, and properly interact with activists wishing to get an extreme response to their presence and video recording of public entity personnel and assets.